Thursday, November 3, 2011

"Love Struck"

My Weapon.. w(^-^)w

weeewwwwwww my first pre-wed make up project ahoiii....
i think..i did well even it was such a challenge on the way..before the photoshoot day..
very unprepared and very last minutes situation but thank god we managed it...
annnnd the result are nice + gorgeous...
Shandy RP totally know how to handle camera well...
Good job girl XP
hopefully we can do another project again next time...

enough blabbering...

When the Magic Begin

Good Moring Face..Before Make Up

on progress..

Need a lil' Finishing Touch..

and this is the result... after my magic fingers finished the spell woohoo...

This also the result for the pre-wed pic by my Shandy RP

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