Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Some old Project when i was in college..
it was one of my thematic assigment design actually it was a group project but this is my personal design for the group project..
it was one of my fav thematic collection..


Illustration and design made by Fiona aka "ME"

Gladiator were specialize by their weapon
some of them are
Bestiarii , Equites " Knights", Essedari " War-Chariot Fighter"
thoes three gladiator represent for each of my illustrator

This is the Actuall Real Garment From Equites Design
made by ME
yep i sew that all by my self..
with a little help from a good elf too for the finishing

photograph and edit by Shandy RP
Wordrobe by Fiona Kartika G T
Make up and Hair Do by Fiona
Model Ida " my bff"

photograph and edit by Riko Arya
Wordrobe by Fiona Kartika G T
Make up and Hair Do by Fiona
Model Ida " my bff"

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