Sunday, November 20, 2011


so yes its about Jakarta fashion week 2011
this year i only get 2 ticket for the fashion show..

I'm really pissed 'coz last year it was much more easier to get the tickets
but this year suck..sold out from day one the e-ticket launch...fuck it!!
but im really glad this year my junior and good partner from my old company where we used to work together and share happiness , tears during up and down workin wit super maniac lunatic crazy bosses..
finally she launch her new own collection and label..

i really love the color theme the design is really ready to wear n chic and i love it coz its really have the nice flow.. good job nobi..
just wait for my turn *cross my finger*

thx to RABBITHOLE for the pictures

I'm so proud of her...
can check her shopping site at

so yeah beside her also i watched dearest friend Soko Wiyanto
his totally the BOMB!!
his collection totally mind blowing..
can shut my jaw from dropping when i saw the dresses
so beautiful so elegant n rich..
I'm imagining wearing one of them on my wed-day * i wish *

beside watching the fashion show..its also about meeting some old good friendsreally miss them feel much more brighter wit them around..

but in this pic sadly the camera make it blurry
pardon my stupid camera..

Thursday, November 3, 2011

"Love Struck"

My Weapon.. w(^-^)w

weeewwwwwww my first pre-wed make up project ahoiii....
i think..i did well even it was such a challenge on the way..before the photoshoot day..
very unprepared and very last minutes situation but thank god we managed it...
annnnd the result are nice + gorgeous...
Shandy RP totally know how to handle camera well...
Good job girl XP
hopefully we can do another project again next time...

enough blabbering...

When the Magic Begin

Good Moring Face..Before Make Up

on progress..

Need a lil' Finishing Touch..

and this is the result... after my magic fingers finished the spell woohoo...

This also the result for the pre-wed pic by my Shandy RP

Black & White

this was some old project i did wit Advan Matthew
Astrid Satwika as the model
and ofcourse the make up done by me

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Hellow Halloween 2011

This halloween i did go and celebrate it like i used to...HIkzz.ahhhhhh but still i dont want to miss it wit out doing sumthing so i prepare at least a picture from my halloween inspiration this year which is White Queen from Alice in Wonderland 2011..

so happy halloween and enjoy it..

and i have some edited version thx to the apple app its making it more easier to give a retouch spookyness lol

White Queen


Saturday, August 20, 2011

Me and The Model

its a fun day n photoshoot..
lovely n gorgeous model...
thx for Naya n Astri from Kidnapped Ally
for trusting me for the make up
hope we can work again soon wit new Lookz

Kidnapped Ally Summer Lookbook 2011

Make up for Kidnapped Ally Lookbook Summer
Photographer: Naya Kumara
Make up : Fiona "Loo-Na"

Electric Green

Make up for Kidnapped Ally Lookbook Summer
Photographer: Naya Kumara
Make up : Fiona "Loo-Na"

Touch of Blue

Make up for Kidnapped Ally Lookbook Summer
Photographer: Naya Kumara
Make up : Fiona "Loo-Na"

Silver Spark

Make up for Kidnapped Ally Lookbook Summer
Photographer: Naya Kumara
Make up : Fiona "Loo-Na"

Summer Time

Make up for Kidnapped Ally Lookbook Summer
Photographer: Naya Kumara
Make up : Fiona "Loo-Na"

Kidnapped ally campaign new collection 20011

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

New AminonoProject member

i just finish 2 of the newest cuteeeee rite...fufufufufu...

kindly visit for more info